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 Wat zijn slaappillen?

Slaappillen zijn een verzamelnaam voor receptvrije geneesmiddelen en geneesmiddelen op recept die worden gebruikt voor patiënten die lijden aan slapeloosheid of slaapproblemen. Slapeloosheid is een aandoening die ongeveer een derde van de bevolking treft en de symptomen omvatten te vroeg wakker worden zonder zich uitgerust te voelen, niet in slaap kunnen komen, regelmatig wakker worden gedurende de nacht en voortdurende vermoeidheid. Het kan worden veroorzaakt door stress, angst, emotionele of psychologische problemen, onderliggende gezondheidsproblemen of bijwerkingen van medicatie voor reeds bestaande aandoeningen. Deze vorm van medicatie wordt geclassificeerd als hypnotica en is bedoeld om de slaap te bevorderen of te verlengen. Ze kunnen ook worden geclassificeerd als kalmeringsmiddelen, wat betekent dat ze kalmerend werken en ertoe leiden dat iemand zich slaperig voelt en daardoor beter in slaap kan vallen. De meest voorkomende klasse van hypnotica behoort tot de klasse van geneesmiddelen die bekend staan als benzodiazepinen of benzodiazepine-receptoragonisten. Gangbare merken slaappillen zijn zolpidem, zopiclone, circadintriazolam en eszopiclone.

Hoe werken slaappillen?

Vrij verkrijgbare slaappillen zijn meestal antihistaminica die histamine blokkeren, een neurotransmitter die door onze neuronen beweegt, om ons slaperig te maken. Mildere slaappillen worden vaak meer genomen om allergiesymptomen tegen te gaan dan om slapeloosheid te bestrijden. Om chronische slapeloosheid en moeite om in slaap te vallen of te blijven te verlichten, worden geneesmiddelen op recept gebruikt die rechtstreeks inwerken op de werking van het zenuwstelsel. Slaapmiddelen op recept werken door binding van GABA-receptoren, die reageren op neurotransmitters die verantwoordelijk zijn voor het afremmen van de werking van het zenuwstelsel, om ontspanning en slaperigheid te stimuleren en de slaap op te wekken.

Hoe gebruik je slaappillen?

Slaappillen moeten in hun geheel worden ingenomen, zonder ze te pletten of te kauwen, met water. Afhankelijk van de voorgeschreven slaappil kunnen ze meestal met of zonder voedsel worden ingenomen, maar vraag uw huisarts of apotheker naar de juiste manier om uw specifieke medicatie in te nemen en naar de juiste dosering en behandelingsduur. Vanwege de kracht van slaappillen moet u elke dosis alleen innemen als u een volledige nacht ononderbroken kunt slapen. Met andere woorden, u moet deze medicatie ten minste zeven tot acht uur voordat u moet opstaan innemen om het volledige voordeel van de behandeling te krijgen.

Wat zijn de bijwerkingen van slaappillen?

Veel voorkomende bijwerkingen van slaappillen zijn:
  • Duizeligheid of licht in het hoofd
  • Hoofdpijn
  • Maagdarmproblemen, waaronder misselijkheid en diarree
  • Aanhoudende slaperigheid
  • Allergische reacties
  • Slaapgerelateerd abnormaal gedrag, zoals rijden of eten terwijl je niet volledig wakker bent
  • Geheugenproblemen
Deze bijwerkingen kunnen erger zijn bij mensen die alcohol drinken en mensen die aan slaapapneu lijden, omdat hun ademhaling nog verder kan worden belemmerd bij het gebruik van slaappillen. Slaappillen op recept (en bepaalde vrij verkrijgbare pillen) mogen niet worden ingenomen als u zwanger bent of borstvoeding geeft. Ze moeten ook vermeden worden door oudere volwassenen, omdat ze het risico op vallen of verwondingen bij oudere personen kunnen verhogen. Informeer uw huisarts of zorgverlener over uw medische voorgeschiedenis voordat u slaappillen inneemt. In het bijzonder als u een nierziekte, lage bloeddruk, hartritmestoornissen (aritmie) of toevallen heeft. U moet uw huisarts informeren over alle medicijnen die u gebruikt, waaronder kruidensupplementen en -middelen en vrij verkrijgbare geneesmiddelen, omdat deze een wisselwerking kunnen hebben met de slaappillen en hun werking kunnen beïnvloeden. Bij langdurig gebruik kunnen patiënten verslaafd raken aan slaappillen, waardoor afhankelijkheid kan ontstaan. Dit kan ernstige gevolgen hebben voor de gezondheid op lange termijn, zoals geheugenproblemen, gedragsproblemen, psychische stoornissen en leerproblemen. Als u vreest dat u verslaafd raakt aan slaappillen, is het belangrijk zo snel mogelijk contact op te nemen met uw huisarts.

Kan ik online slaappillen kopen?

U kunt online slaappillen kopen met een recept van een geregistreerde huisarts. U kunt online een medische vragenlijst invullen die door een huisarts wordt beoordeeld en aan u wordt verstrekt als u geschikt wordt geacht voor het medicijn. De medicijnen worden doorgaans binnen 24 uur na uw bestelling verstrekt.

Best Sleeping Pills, Sleep Aids, Supplements, Sleep Tablets & Sleep Medications: Promethazine, Zolpidem, Pimozide & Zopiclone

In today’s fast-paced world, sleep is often a scarce and precious commodity. Sleep-related issues, including insomnia, sleep disturbances, and restless nights, can take a significant toll on one’s physical and mental well-being. To address these concerns, Dokter Now, a leading healthcare company, provides a range of sleep solutions that encompass sleeping pills, sleep aids, sleep medicine, and more. We will explore Dokter Now’s offerings and delve into the world of sleep quality enhancement, covering everything from natural remedies to prescription medications, including Pimozide, Promethazine, Zolpidem, and Zopiclone.

Best Sleeping Pill and Sleep Aid – Finding the Right Balance

Sleeping pills and sleep aids have long been a go-to solution for those struggling with sleep disorders. Dokter Now offers a variety of options, including over-the-counter and prescription medications. We will explore the best sleeping pills and the best sleep aid available.

sleeping pills

Prescription Sleeping Pills:

Zolpidem (Ambien): Zolpidem is a commonly prescribed medication that is effective in helping individuals fall asleep and stay asleep. It works by slowing down brain activity to induce sleep.

Eszopiclone (Lunesta): Eszopiclone is another prescription option used to treat insomnia. It helps improve the duration and quality of sleep by targeting certain receptors in the brain.

Doxepin (Silenor): Doxepin is a prescription medication that addresses sleep maintenance issues and can be useful for individuals who have trouble staying asleep.

Over-the-Counter Best Sleep Aids:

Diphenhydramine (Benadryl): Diphenhydramine is a common over-the-counter antihistamine that can induce drowsiness and is found in several OTC sleeping aids. It’s helpful for short-term sleep problems.

Melatonin: Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle. Melatonin supplements are available over-the-counter and can be effective for addressing jet lag or adjusting to new sleep schedules.

Valerian Root: Valerian is an herbal remedy used to promote relaxation and improve sleep. It’s available without a prescription and can be found in various forms, including capsules and teas.

The choice of the best sleeping pills or sleeping aid depends on the nature of your sleep issues, their severity, and individual factors. It’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any sleep medication, as they can help you determine the most appropriate option and dosage based on your specific needs.

sleep aid

Best Sleeping Aid – Your Guide to a Restful Night

Explore the wide array of best sleeping aids offered by Dokter Now, their potential benefits, and how they can help you achieve the quality rest you deserve.

Dokter Now provides a comprehensive range of sleep aids, including prescription medications and natural supplements, each tailored to address specific sleep-related concerns. Whether you’re dealing with insomnia, restless nights, or simply seeking to enhance your overall sleep experience, Dokter Now’s offerings can be a valuable resource.

These sleeping aids are designed to help you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. They can play a pivotal role in optimizing your sleep patterns, promoting relaxation, and reducing the impact of sleep disorders or disturbances on your daily life.

The potential benefits of these sleep aids are vast, including improved mental clarity, increased energy levels, reduced stress, and an overall boost in your well-being. Quality sleep is the foundation of a healthier, happier, and more productive life, and Dokter Now’s range of sleeping aids can pave the way to achieving this.

Prescription Sleep Medications – A Closer Look

In some cases, over-the-counter remedies may not suffice, and prescription sleeping medication becomes a necessary component of achieving quality sleep. Dokter Now offers several options, including Pimozide, Promethazine, Zolpidem, and Zopiclone.

  1. Pimozide: Pimozide is a prescription sleep medication that is sometimes used to treat severe sleep disorders and conditions such as insomnia. It can help individuals who have not found relief from other treatments and require stronger medication to manage their sleep issues.
  2. Promethazine: Promethazine is another prescription option that can be used for its sedative properties to induce sleep. It may be prescribed for individuals with sleep disturbances, as well as those dealing with nausea and allergies that affect their ability to sleep.
  3. Zolpidem: Zolpidem, available under brand names like Ambien, is a commonly prescribed medications for sleep for treating insomnia. It is effective in helping individuals fall asleep more quickly and stay asleep longer, making it a valuable tool for managing sleep disorders.
  4. Zopiclone: Zopiclone is a prescription sleep aid that can extend sleep duration and improve sleep quality. It is often recommended for individuals dealing with chronic sleep disruptions or difficulties in maintaining a consistent sleep pattern.

sleep medicine

These prescription sleeping medications can be indispensable for individuals facing persistent sleep disorders that significantly impact their daily lives. However, it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any prescription sleeping medicine. They can assess your specific sleep issues, recommend the most suitable treatment, and provide guidance on the safe and effective use of these medications.

Pimozide: Effectiveness and Considerations

Pimozide, typically used to treat mental health conditions, has found application in sleep management. We will delve into its potential side effects, cost, and the process of obtaining it through Dokter Now.

However, like any medication, pimozide side effects are not without potential side effects. It’s crucial to be aware of the risks associated with its use, which can include drowsiness, weight gain, and movement disorders. Before considering pimozide medication as a solution for sleep-related issues, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional who can assess your specific needs and potential risks.

Additionally, understanding the pimozide price and the process of obtaining it is essential. The price of this medication may vary depending on your location and healthcare provider. It is important to discuss financial considerations with your healthcare provider and explore potential insurance coverage or assistance programs to help mitigate the pimozide cost.

Promethazine: Balancing Sedation and Side Effects

Promethazine pills, available in both pill and tablet forms, are used to alleviate insomnia and nausea. We will explore its potential benefits, side effects, dosage recommendations, and how it can enhance your sleep quality.

One of the significant advantages of promethazine tablets is its effectiveness in promoting sleep. This medication can induce drowsiness and help individuals fall asleep faster, making it a valuable option for those struggling with insomnia. It may also improve the quality of sleep by extending the duration of deep sleep phases, resulting in a more restorative rest.

sleep supplements

However, it’s essential to be aware of potential promethazine side effects associated with use. These can include dizziness, dry mouth, blurred vision, and in some cases, drowsiness that can extend into the daytime. For this reason, it is vital to follow prescribed dosages and guidelines carefully.

The appropriate promethazine dosage can vary from person to person and depends on the specific condition being treated. Dosage recommendations should always be provided by a qualified healthcare professional, taking into account your medical history and individual needs. Do not exceed the recommended dose without consulting with a healthcare provider, as misuse or overuse of promethazine can lead to adverse effects.

Zolpidem: A Widely Recognized Sleep Aid

Zolpidem pills, a commonly prescribed sleep medication, are known for their effectiveness in treating insomnia. We will discuss its applications, potential side effects, uses, and its role in enhancing your sleep.

The primary application of Zolpidem is to help those who find it challenging to fall asleep or stay asleep throughout the night. This medication is especially valuable in cases of acute or short-term insomnia, often resulting from stressful situations, changes in sleep patterns, or travel-related sleep disruptions. It works by acting on certain receptors in the brain to induce drowsiness and promote a more natural sleep cycle.

While Zolpidem uses can be a highly effective tool in improving sleep quality, it is essential to be mindful of potential zolpidem side effects. Common side effects may include dizziness, drowsiness, and changes in taste, and in some instances, it can lead to more severe effects such as sleepwalking or engaging in activities while not fully awake. Therefore, responsible and monitored use is critical when considering Zolpidem as a solution for sleep issues.

Zolpidem should only be used under the guidance of a healthcare professional, who can recommend the appropriate dosage based on your specific sleep patterns and needs. It is typically prescribed for short-term use to avoid dependency or tolerance development. Additionally, it is essential to inform your healthcare provider about any existing medical conditions or medications you may be taking, as interactions can occur.


Zopiclone: A Prescription Sleep Aid

Zopiclone is another prescription option available through Dokter Now. We will explore its efficacy, potential side effects, recommended dosages, and how it can assist in your quest for a good night’s sleep.

The primary function of Zopiclone is to promote sleep onset and prolong the duration of sleep, making it particularly useful for people who have difficulty falling asleep or experience frequent nighttime awakenings. By acting on certain receptors in the brain, Zopiclone helps induce a state of relaxation and calm, facilitating a smoother transition into a restful slumber.

However, as with any medication, it’s crucial to be aware of potential side effects. Common Zopiclone side effects may include a metallic taste in the mouth, dizziness, and drowsiness, which can sometimes persist into the daytime. To maximize the benefits of Zopiclone while minimizing its drawbacks, it is vital to adhere to recommended dosages and guidelines, as advised by a healthcare professional.

The appropriate dosage of zopiclone can vary depending on individual needs, the specific sleep disorder being addressed, and any underlying medical conditions. To ensure the safe and effective use of Zopiclone, it is highly advisable to consult with a qualified healthcare provider who can provide personalized recommendations based on your unique circumstances. Buy Zopiclone online

Natural Sleep Remedies and Supplements

For those who prefer natural approaches to sleep improvement, Dokter Now also offers a range of sleep supplements and remedies.

  1. Melatonin: Melatonin is a naturally occurring hormone that regulates the sleep-wake cycle. Melatonin supplements are available over-the-counter and can be a helpful option for individuals who want to adjust their sleep patterns, overcome jet lag, or enhance the quality of their sleep.
  2. Valerian Root: Valerian root is an herbal remedy known for its potential to promote relaxation and reduce anxiety, which can contribute to better sleep. It is available in various forms, such as capsules, tablets, and teas, and can be used as a natural sleep aid.
  3. L-theanine: L-theanine is an amino acid found in tea leaves and is known for its calming effects. L-theanine best sleep supplements are used to promote relaxation and reduce stress, making it a potential solution for individuals struggling with sleep disturbances caused by anxiety or stress.
  4. Chamomile: Chamomile is an herb commonly consumed as a tea to induce relaxation and improve sleep quality. It is recognized for its soothing properties and can be part of a nightly bedtime routine.
  5. Lavender Oil: Lavender oil is often used in aromatherapy and can promote relaxation and reduce stress. It can be used in diffusers or as a topical treatment to create a calming sleep environment.

natural sleep remedies

These natural best sleep supplement and sleep remedies offer a gentle and holistic approach to improving sleep quality. They are suitable for individuals who prefer non-prescription options or want to complement other sleep improvement strategies, such as good sleep hygiene practices and stress management techniques.

Sleeping Tablets – A Practical Approach

Dokter Now understands the convenience of sleep tablets, and they provide a range of options to cater to individual preferences. We will explore the best sleeping tablets and their role in sleep management.

  1. Zolpidem (Ambien): Zolpidem is a widely prescribed sleep aid tablets that works to help individuals fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. It is commonly used to manage insomnia and related sleep disorders.
  2. Eszopiclone (Lunesta): Eszopiclone is another prescription sleep tablets that is effective in extending sleep duration and improving sleep quality. It can be beneficial for individuals with chronic sleep disturbances.
  3. Doxepin (Silenor): Doxepin is prescribed to individuals who have trouble staying asleep and require a sleep tablet that can extend the duration of uninterrupted sleep.

The choice of sleeping aid tablets depends on the nature and severity of your sleep issues, as well as individual factors. These prescription natural sleeping tablets can be indispensable for individuals facing persistent or chronic sleep disorders, as they can provide significant relief and contribute to improved sleep quality.

However, it is crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any tablets for sleeping, whether over-the-counter or prescription. They can evaluate your specific sleep concerns and recommend the most suitable treatment, ensuring that it aligns with your individual needs and doesn’t interfere with any other medications or health conditions.

How to Sleep Better – Simple Strategies

Explore actionable strategies for improving your sleep quality, including creating a sleep-conducive environment, managing stress, and maintaining a regular sleep schedule.

how to sleep better

Stress management is another key factor in achieving better sleep. Implement relaxation techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, or progressive muscle relaxation to calm your mind before bedtime. Avoid engaging in stimulating activities or work-related tasks right before bed, and limit exposure to screens emitting blue light, as it can disrupt your circadian rhythm.

To establish a consistent sleep routine, aim to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day, even on weekends. This helps regulate your body’s internal clock, making it easier to fall asleep and wake up naturally. Additionally, avoid napping during the day, as it can interfere with your nighttime sleep.

How to Increase Deep Sleep – The Key to Restful Nights

Deep sleep is crucial for feeling rested and rejuvenated. We will discuss practical tips and techniques for increasing the duration and quality of deep sleep.

One of the first steps to promote deep sleep is maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, as mentioned earlier. Ensure you are allowing enough time for your body to cycle through the various sleep stages, including deep sleep. Most adults need around 7-9 hours of sleep each night to maximize the potential for deep sleep.


Dokter Now is a company committed to improving sleep quality and enhancing the well-being of individuals struggling with sleep issues. Whether you’re seeking prescription medications, natural remedies, or simply guidance on how to sleep better, Dokter Now has a solution for you.