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¿Qué es el dolor?

Pain is often very difficult to define, as its often cause of pain is obvious; example, a broken leg, or a bruise. There are also times when the source of the pain is unseen, for example a slipped disc. It is occasionally very difficult to find the exact cause of a person’s pain. Pain relief is often available for the treatment & management of pain where the underlying cause has been established. Identifying the precise cause of an individual's pain can be a complex process, and there are scenarios where the underlying source remains elusive. In such cases, pain relief becomes a crucial aspect of treatment and management, aiming to alleviate discomfort and improve the individual's quality of life. Pain relief measures can encompass a range of approaches, including medications, physical therapy, and other interventions tailored to address specific types of pain. It is essential to recognize that effective pain management may involve a multidisciplinary approach, where healthcare professionals collaborate to understand and address the various aspects of an individual's pain experience. Ultimately, the goal of pain relief is to enhance the well-being of individuals dealing with pain, offering relief and support even when the exact cause of the pain may not be immediately evident. Open communication with healthcare providers is crucial to developing a comprehensive plan that considers both the visible and unseen sources of pain, ensuring that appropriate measures are taken to address and manage this complex aspect of human health.
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Alivio del dolor sin receta Analgésicos
Los profesionales sanitarios utilizan diferentes términos para los distintos tipos de dolor. 1. El dolor de corta duración se denomina dolor agudo. Un ejemplo es un esguince de tobillo. 2. 2. El dolor a largo plazo se denomina dolor persistente o crónico. Los problemas de espalda o la artritis son ejemplos. 3. El dolor que aparece y desaparece se denomina recurrente o intermitente. Un dolor de muelas podría ser uno de ellos.

Tipos de dolor más frecuentes;

  • Dolor de espalda: en la mayoría de los casos, los dolores de espalda no están causados por nada demasiado grave.
  • Cefalea: migraña, cefalea tensional y cefalea en racimos.
  • Dolor articular: es el resultado de daños en las articulaciones, ya sea por una enfermedad o una lesión.
  • Dolor menstrual: es el resultado de las contracciones musculares del útero.
  • El dolor muscular, también conocido como mialgia, suele ser consecuencia de un exceso de estrés, tensión o actividad física.
  • Dolor dental: el dolor de muelas suele ser el resultado de la inflamación de la capa más interna del diente.

¿Qué tratamientos existen para el dolor?

Hay dos tipos de tratamientos para el dolor: unos se venden sin receta y otros sólo con receta. Analgésicos opiáceos
  • Codeína
  • Fentanilo
  • Hidrocodona
  • Hidromorfona
  • Morfina
  • Metadona
  • Oxicodona
  • Meperidina
Analgésicos no opiáceos
  • Paracetamol
  • AINE como ibuprofeno, diclofenaco, celecoxib, ácido mefenámico, etoricoxib, indometacina.
Anticonvulsivos utilizados para tratar el dolor crónico
  • Gabapentina (Neurontin)
  • Pregabalina (Lyrica)
  • Carbamazepina (Tegretol)
  • Lamotrigina (Lamictal)
  • Fenitoína Valproato
 Antidepresivos para el dolor crónico
  • Amitriptilina
  • Citalopram
  • Fluoxetina
  • Paroxetina
  • Venlafaxina
  • Nortriptilina
  • Fluvoxamina
  • Duloxetina

¿Puedo tomar analgésicos durante el embarazo?

El único analgésico seguro durante el embarazo es el Paracetamol, no se recomienda utilizar otros medicamentos durante el embarazo.

However, it is crucial for pregnant individuals to consult with their healthcare provider before taking any medications, including Paracetamol. Healthcare professionals can provide personalized guidance based on individual health conditions and the specific circumstances of the pregnancy. Other pain relief medications, especially those containing nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen, are generally advised against during pregnancy, particularly in the later stages. NSAIDs may carry a risk of complications, and their use should be discussed with a healthcare provider. In summary, Paracetamol is often considered a safer option for pain relief during pregnancy, but it is essential to seek guidance from a healthcare professional before taking any medication to ensure the well-being of both the pregnant individual and the developing fetus.