DokterNow has a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

If for some reason, your order does not show up or is damaged in transit, we will ship you another package or issue you a full refund as per your request. If however, you received a partial order, we will issue you a full refund, and then charge your Credit Card again for the remaining balance (so you are fully refunded, and then charged only for the product (s) you received).
We will ask you to first allow 30 business days from the day the order was shipped. If after those 30 days, you have not received the package, or if you received any notification that your package was on hold or returned to sender, please send us a ticket (Refund Section) and we will take care of your request promptly.
All products dispensed from our international pharmacies are approved by their respective regulators and are of the highest quality; products have their location of pharmacy next to them, please choose wisely as once the order has been shipped we can not issue a refund.